Research and Publication Ethics

Klimik Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. The editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on

All parties involved in the publishing process (Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and Publishers) are expected to agree on the following ethical principles:

  • The manuscripts should be prepared following ICMJE- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, which was updated in December 2019. (
  • An approval of research protocols by the Ethics Committee in accordance with international agreements and the Declaration of Helsinki is required for experimental, clinical, and drug studies. Ethics committee approval and “informed consent form” should be stated in the “Materials and Methods” section. 
  • In experimental animal studies, authors should state that they protect animal rights in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and obtain an ethical committee approval report from their institution.
  • Studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows:
    • All kinds of research are conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, and interview techniques.
    • The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
    • Clinical studies on humans,
    • Research on animals,
    • Retrospective studies under the law on the protection of personal data,


    • Indicating that an “informed consent form” has been received in case reports,
    • Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
    • A statement that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
  • The authors are required to declare whether there is any conflict of interest with individuals or institutions in terms of financial support. The conflict of interest statement should take place at the end of the manuscript. 
  • The journal will not accept or publish any manuscripts that are suspected of containing guest authorship, inappropriate acceptance, and references to influence the following unethical practices or the review process:

Plagiarism: Republishing all or part of another author’s work as if it was the owner, without reference.

Fabrication: Publishing data and results that do not exist.

Copying:The case of using data from another publication, including reproduction of a publication in other languages.

Slicing:Artificially dividing the result of a study into multiple publications.

  • The Bioethics Editor is working to resolve ethically controversial situations. According to the recommendations of the Publication Ethics Committee, manuscripts that are found to be ethically inconvenient will not be published by taking the opinion of the Bioethics Editor. If an ethical nonconformity is detected after publication, the withdrawal will be made according to Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines. (


Volume 37, Issue 2 Volume 37, Issue 1 Volume 36, Issue 4 Volume 36, Supplement 1 Volume 36, Issue 3 Volume 36, Issue 2 Volume 36, Issue 1 Volume 35, Issue 4 Volume 35, Issue 3 Volume 35, Issue 2 Volume 35, Issue 1 Volume 34, Issue 3 Volume 34, Issue 2 Volume 34, Issue 1 Volume 33, Issue 3 Volume 33, Issue 2 Volume 33, Issue 1 Volume 32, Issue 3 Volume 32, Supplement 1 Volume 32, Supplement 2 Volume 32, Issue 2 Volume 32, Issue 1 Volume 31, Issue 3 Volume 31, Issue 2 Volume 31, Supplement 1 Volume 31, Issue 1 Volume 30, Issue 3 Volume 30, Issue 2 Volume 30, Supplement 1 Volume 30, Issue 1 Volume 29, Issue 3 Volume 29, Issue 2 Volume 29, Issue 1 Volume 28, Supplement 1 Volume 28, Issue 3 Volume 28, Issue 2 Volume 28, Issue 1 Volume 27, Supplement 1 Volume 27, Issue 3 Volume 27, Issue 2 Volume 27, Issue 1 Volume 26, Issue 3 Volume 26, Supplement 1 Volume 26, Issue 2 Volume 26, Issue 1 Volume 25, Issue 3 Volume 25, Issue 2 Volume 25, Issue 1 Volume 24, Issue 3 Volume 24, Issue 2 Volume 24, Issue 1 Volume 23, Issue 3 Volume 23, Issue 2 Volume 23, Issue 1 Volume 22, Issue 3 Volume 22, Issue 2 Volume 22, Issue 1 Volume 21, Issue 3 Volume 21, Supplement 2 Volume 21, Supplement 1 Volume 21, Issue 2 Volume 21, Issue 1 Volume 20, Issue 3 Volume 20, Supplement 2 Volume 20, Issue 2 Volume 20, Issue 1 Volume 20, Supplement 1 Volume 19, Issue 3 Volume 19, Issue 2 Volume 19, Issue 1 Volume 18, Issue 3 Volume 18, Supplement 1 Volume 18, Issue 2 Volume 18, Issue 1 Volume 17, Issue 3 Volume 17, Issue 2 Volume 17, Issue 1 Volume 16, Issue 3 Volume 16, Issue 2 Volume 16, Issue 1 Volume 1, Supplement 1 Volume 15, Issue 3 Volume 15, Issue 2 Volume 15, Issue 1 Volume 14, Issue 3 Volume 14, Issue 2 Volume 14, Issue 1 Volume 13, Issue 3 Volume 13, Issue 2 Volume 13, Supplement 1 Volume 13, Issue 1 Volume 12, Issue 3 Volume 12, Issue 2 Volume 12, Issue 1 Volume 11, Issue 3 Volume 11, Issue 2 Volume 11, Supplement 1 Volume 11, Issue 1 Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 2 Volume 10, Issue 1 Volume 9, Issue 3 Volume 9, Issue 2 Volume 9, Issue 1 Volume 8, Issue 3 Volume 8, Issue 2 Volume 8, Issue 1 Volume 6, Issue 3 Volume 7, Issue 1 Volume 7, Issue 2 Volume 7, Issue 3 Volume 4, Issue 3 Volume 5, Issue 1 Volume 5, Issue 2 Volume 5, Issue 3 Volume 6, Issue 1 Volume 6, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 1 Volume 3, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 3 Volume 4, Issue 1 Volume 4, Issue 2 Volume 1, Issue 2 Volume 2, Issue 1 Volume 2, Issue 2 Volume 2, Issue 3 Volume 1, Issue 1