Editorial Evaluation Process

The editorial and publication processes of the Klimik Journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE), and National Information Standards Organization (NISO). In addition, the journal is in conformity with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (doaj.org/bestpractice).

Authors submit their articles through the Klimik Journal online manuscript submission system. The submitted manuscripts are first checked in terms of technical aspects. The language, figures, tables, necessary documents related to the article (author contribution form, copyright approval form, patient consent for case reports, ethics committee approval), references are reviewed, and plagiarism is checked. The manuscript that passes this stage is forwarded to the editor-in-chief. The Editor-in-chief evaluates whether the manuscript’s content is compatible with the journal’s publication policy, whether it is prepared following the journal’s publication rules and the manuscript’s scientific contribution to the field. After this evaluation, if appropriate, the manuscript is directed to the editor to initiate the scientific content control process. The editor assigns at least two reviewers through the system to evaluate the manuscript’s scientific content and report their suggestions, criticisms, and contributions. They also direct it to the Statistics Editor when it deems necessary. The editor cares for selecting the reviewers among experts who do not have a conflict of interest with the authors. While the manuscript is sent to the reviewers, the information of the author and the institution where the study was conducted is hidden to prevent any bias. The editor evaluates the reviewers’ suggestions, criticisms, and contributions, and if they find them sufficient, forwards them to the author. When the editor deems it necessary, they direct the manuscript to other reviewers. The names of the reviewers are hidden while the suggestions, criticisms, and contributions are forwarded to the authors. Thus, it is ensured that the scientific content of the manuscripts is evaluated in a double-blind way, away from bias and objectively. After the authors make the necessary arrangements, the manuscript is sent back to the editor, and the editor sends it to the reviewers for re-evaluation. Manuscripts deemed sufficient in this evaluation are accepted for publication. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication by the reviewers are rejected. Manuscripts for which they want new corrections and edits are sent back to the authors. After the manuscript accepted for publication is reviewed by the English and Turkish language editors, the publisher prepares it for publication and sends it to the authors for final check and approval. The ready articles are published on the journal’s website.

The Editor-in-chief evaluates articles regardless of the authors’ age, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and political affiliation.

Reviewer evaluations should be objective. The editor should check whether the reviewer has considered the followings:

  • Does the article contain new and essential information?
  • Does the abstract clearly describe the content of the article?
  • Is the hypothesis or aim of the study written clearly?
  • Is the research method clearly defined? Is the method appropriate to test the hypothesis?
  • Are the findings given clearly and briefly without adding any comment (for the “results” part)?
  • Are the comments made and conclusions supported by the findings (for the “discussion” part)?
  • Are adequate references given to national and international studies?
  • Is the language of the article appropriate and understandable?

The authors should acknowledge and provide information on grants, contracts, or other financial support of the study provided by any foundations, institutions, or firms.

Manuscripts sent to be published in the journal should not have been published anywhere else previously or submitted and accepted to be published. However, a complete report that follows the publication of a preliminary report, such as an abstract, can be submitted. If authors intend to discard any part of the manuscript, a written application should be sent to the Editor.

In case of retraction of the text by author(s) for any reason, it needs a written application explaining the reasons.


The authors fill in the Copyright License Agreement Form and indicate they transferred the copyright to Klimik Journal. The completed form must be uploaded to the journal’s online manuscript submission system. By signing the form, the authors agree that if Klimik Journal publishes the article, it will be licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC). 

Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder when using previously published content, including figures, tables, or any other material in both print and electronic formats. Legal, financial and criminal liabilities in this regard belong to the author(s).

Statements or opinions expressed in the manuscripts published in Klimik Journal reflect the views of the author(s) and not the opinions of the editors, the editorial board, or the publisher; they disclaim any responsibility or liability for such materials.


Each individual listed as an author should fulfill the authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE – www.icmje.org). 

The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following four criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; 
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 
  3. Final approval of the version to be published; 
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Corresponding authors are required to submit a signed and scanned version of the Authorship Contribution Form to the journal’s online manuscript submission system.

Volume 37, Issue 2 Volume 37, Issue 1 Volume 36, Issue 4 Volume 36, Supplement 1 Volume 36, Issue 3 Volume 36, Issue 2 Volume 36, Issue 1 Volume 35, Issue 4 Volume 35, Issue 3 Volume 35, Issue 2 Volume 35, Issue 1 Volume 34, Issue 3 Volume 34, Issue 2 Volume 34, Issue 1 Volume 33, Issue 3 Volume 33, Issue 2 Volume 33, Issue 1 Volume 32, Issue 3 Volume 32, Supplement 1 Volume 32, Supplement 2 Volume 32, Issue 2 Volume 32, Issue 1 Volume 31, Issue 3 Volume 31, Issue 2 Volume 31, Supplement 1 Volume 31, Issue 1 Volume 30, Issue 3 Volume 30, Issue 2 Volume 30, Supplement 1 Volume 30, Issue 1 Volume 29, Issue 3 Volume 29, Issue 2 Volume 29, Issue 1 Volume 28, Supplement 1 Volume 28, Issue 3 Volume 28, Issue 2 Volume 28, Issue 1 Volume 27, Supplement 1 Volume 27, Issue 3 Volume 27, Issue 2 Volume 27, Issue 1 Volume 26, Issue 3 Volume 26, Supplement 1 Volume 26, Issue 2 Volume 26, Issue 1 Volume 25, Issue 3 Volume 25, Issue 2 Volume 25, Issue 1 Volume 24, Issue 3 Volume 24, Issue 2 Volume 24, Issue 1 Volume 23, Issue 3 Volume 23, Issue 2 Volume 23, Issue 1 Volume 22, Issue 3 Volume 22, Issue 2 Volume 22, Issue 1 Volume 21, Issue 3 Volume 21, Supplement 2 Volume 21, Supplement 1 Volume 21, Issue 2 Volume 21, Issue 1 Volume 20, Issue 3 Volume 20, Supplement 2 Volume 20, Issue 2 Volume 20, Issue 1 Volume 20, Supplement 1 Volume 19, Issue 3 Volume 19, Issue 2 Volume 19, Issue 1 Volume 18, Issue 3 Volume 18, Supplement 1 Volume 18, Issue 2 Volume 18, Issue 1 Volume 17, Issue 3 Volume 17, Issue 2 Volume 17, Issue 1 Volume 16, Issue 3 Volume 16, Issue 2 Volume 16, Issue 1 Volume 1, Supplement 1 Volume 15, Issue 3 Volume 15, Issue 2 Volume 15, Issue 1 Volume 14, Issue 3 Volume 14, Issue 2 Volume 14, Issue 1 Volume 13, Issue 3 Volume 13, Issue 2 Volume 13, Supplement 1 Volume 13, Issue 1 Volume 12, Issue 3 Volume 12, Issue 2 Volume 12, Issue 1 Volume 11, Issue 3 Volume 11, Issue 2 Volume 11, Supplement 1 Volume 11, Issue 1 Volume 10, Issue 3 Volume 10, Issue 2 Volume 10, Issue 1 Volume 9, Issue 3 Volume 9, Issue 2 Volume 9, Issue 1 Volume 8, Issue 3 Volume 8, Issue 2 Volume 8, Issue 1 Volume 6, Issue 3 Volume 7, Issue 1 Volume 7, Issue 2 Volume 7, Issue 3 Volume 4, Issue 3 Volume 5, Issue 1 Volume 5, Issue 2 Volume 5, Issue 3 Volume 6, Issue 1 Volume 6, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 1 Volume 3, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 3 Volume 4, Issue 1 Volume 4, Issue 2 Volume 1, Issue 2 Volume 2, Issue 1 Volume 2, Issue 2 Volume 2, Issue 3 Volume 1, Issue 1